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Starter Model Set Group Build #shtktbuild

This week we launched an officially unofficial Adam Savage’s Tested model build challenge. The objective is to build a model starter set using only basic tools and techniques – just like the earlier modelling days. Think glue smeared, poorly painted, badly constructed, childhood joy and frustration.

Two outlines of heads, one with a single lightbulb, the other filled with cogs

What’s in a title?

Am I alone in struggling to give a concise answer when asked what I do? My job title is often misleading. I’ve rarely had a job title that matches my actual role or responsibilities for more than 5 minutes. I don’t think I’m alone in noticing this. So why this might be?

Creating a Compact Garage Workshop and Workbench

When all you have is one-half of a one-car garage, you need to think hard about how to make the most of the space. A new house though, needs a new workspace and workbench – even if it has to be compact.

Fixing a Collapsed Deck

I was worried we’d have to replace the deck on our new house within a year of moving in. Instead I was able to repair it in less than two hours with some basic tools.