As an experienced photographer with a love of film and black and white photography, urban settings have always been a staple of my photography. The aim of these articles is to share my experiences, to chart my own development as a street photographer, and to pass on advice to others who may be daunted by the prospect of trying it.
The advantage to street/urban photography is obvious. The convenience of proximity, the constant movement and hustle and bustle, and the exciting variety of locations make for an exciting range of options for any photographer. Whatever the light and weather conditions you encounter on any day, you can always find something worthy of shooting. Towns and cities make the ideal location anyone keen to better their photography skills to practice.
Until relatively recently I stuck to urban and city scenes and remained very wary of taking portraits of strangers on the street. The idea of approaching complete strangers not only daunted me, it left me feeling genuinely uncomfortable!
These concerns are normal and I hope that by sharing my own experiences, I can encourage others to overcome their fears and to give it a go.